Why is Dignity an important initiative to Xero?
"We’re proud to not only be supporting young enterprising kiwi women in their strive to help young girls but also to support our own team members!" says Sarah, NZ Xero Facilities Manager
Why did Xero sign up to Dignity?
Xero Head of HR Linda Bateson said it was an easy way to give something back to the community.
"Particularly when you look at the fact that there are lots of girls not going to school because they've got their period, can't afford sanitary items and are missing out on that vital education.
"That's a big thing that we're trying to advocate for - females getting into STEM [science, technology, engineering and maths], ultimately getting into tech. And this is kind of something we could do at that grassroots level to support girls."
Employee feedback
Xero Employee
"Their ethos is aligned to my own, and to Xero's. They are doing their bit to make this world/country a better place! "
Xero Employee
"I'm so impressed by this initiative. I've told all my friends about it, makes me proud to work here."
Xero Employee
"I think this is an amazing service, and I am so proud of Xero to support it."
Xero Employee
"Revolutionary and overdue."
Xero Employee
"I think Dignity are taking initiative and pushing to change something that effects many women and girls."
Xero Employee
"I love that it gives back and think the name is perfect!"
Xero Employee
"A do-good company that makes you feel like you're helping too."
Xero Employee
"Dignity makes me feel respected."
Xero Employee
"Incredibly committed to helping both the earth and underprivileged women."
Xero Employee
"Making New Zealand a better place for its women."
Xero Employee
"It's a great initiative. It breaks down the taboo topic of having a period, and it makes going to the bathroom less awkward when it's that time of the month as you don't have to sneak your sanitary products in with you."
Xero Employee
"I think it's the best thing I've seen ever in a workplace, I absolutely love it."
Xero Employee
"Only one? Game changing and freeing."
Xero Employee
"I think it is an amazing initiative to have the buy one give one concept. Also great if you get caught out at work without a tampon."
Xero Employee
"Such a wonderful initiative, for girls and to remove the stigma of periods!"
Xero Employee
"A great initiative and supports women."