Why did ANZ partner with Dignity?
“We’re really concerned that girls are staying home from school each month because they can’t afford sanitary products and want to do our bit to change that,” says Felicity Evans, ANZ General Manager Human Resources.
“ANZ is supporting Dignity as we want to help our staff and also have a direct and positive impact on girls’ education.”
Employee feedback
ANZ Employee
“I have told my friends and family about this and they think it is amazing! I love it!”
ANZ Employee
“The variety of products is great, and I love that they're organic products too. Keep up the good work!”
ANZ Employee
“This is something I'm so happy our workplace is doing.”
ANZ Employee
“Good on you ANZ for supporting Dignity. I wish you guys all the best!”
ANZ Employee
“This is so awesome for the women of ANZ but also the woman in schools who have this support. I feel proud that ANZ is supporting such an awesome company that makes a difference to the women of NZ.”
ANZ Employee
“I think this encourages and celebrates women's empowerment, independence, and confidence.”
ANZ Employee
“I did earlier this year have an instance where I was at a meeting and got my period, causing a leak on my trousers, I had to leave work, I was so embarrassed. I have also provided many staff/team members or other managers with these items - and it is such a nice thing to have. Thank-you.”
ANZ Employee
“I love the idea of Buy-one, Give-one. Having the products is a lovely thought and has come in handy at times. It's things like this that make me proud of our people and communities.”